Choosing the right technology is paramount.


Scalability, running costs, responsiveness and the performance of an app or web based platform all comes down to the right technology being deployed in the correct manner. The Techne team will help you decide what the most appropriate options for your application.


The two main types of software architecture are single-tiered Monolith and Multi-Tiered Distributed Computing running Microservices.

Techne will from the joint Discovery\Session(s) and our understanding of our client’s specifications, needs, then we will recommend the most appropriate and cost-effective software architecture. This may result in the use of the single-tiered Monolith or Multi-Tiered Distributed Computing running Microservices architecture. The decision is based on the product, the audience and how much the platform needs to be scaled up and ultimately the cost constraints.



There are numerous languages such as PHP are available today. Techne prefers the use of Java because it is secure in terms of Data & System Security. It is also versatile because more can be done with Java. Platforms such as Uber, ebay, Pinterest, Groupon, Spotify, Square, Airbnb are all built based on Java.


There are a few type of frontend apps which Techne can utilise for iOS and Android platforms eg. Hybrid, React Native and Native. Techne’s choice of preference is Native frontend apps. A Native App will utilise the native language of the mobile device and it does not rely on internet access which improves on its speed, reliability, more scalable, and easier to debug.

Data Security

This is perhaps the most important part of your platform. Data leakage and privacy breaches could result in lawsuit and unwanted publicity not to mention potential financial losses. Techne would recommend to our clients to always integrate viable Data and System Security. To this end Techne is able to integrate applications such as Data Scramble, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-3 Standard), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Tipple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), MD5, and other precautionary measures.

API Integration

Techne have extensive experience in integrating third party integrations such as Payment Gateways which include Stripe, Pin Payments etc, Google Maps APIs which include the Distance Matrix, Geo Location etc, SMS Broadcast, Uber, ASIC, and other industry-based CRMs.


Learn more about the most suitable software architecture for your idea by contacting us for a free discovery session.